How to do world edit in minecraft

How to run world edit commands on your LearnToMod server is covered in this blog post. With just a few words, you can quickly create structures, replace a lot of blocks, and copy and paste a lot of the world using WorldEdit commands!

What is WorldEdit?

The in-game map editor WorldEdit bills itself as being simple to use, and that’s exactly what it is. It is simple to use and enables simple world manipulation, terraforming, sculpting, and many other things.

The main functions of WorldEdit include:

  • Manipulate large areas of blocks
  • Copy and paste areas between locations, worlds, even servers
  • With your mouse, use brushes to build and sculpt large areas.
  • Easily spawn large shapes, like circles, spheres and cylinders

And installing WorldEdit is just as easy. This tutorial will explain how to set it up in single-player and on a server.

Mod or Plugin

WorldEdit was created with maximum compatibility in mind, and as a result, it is available in two formats: a plugin for servers that can load them, and a mod for use in single-player or on servers that use mods instead of plugins.

This manual will explain how to set up both of these versions in any situation that might call for them.

How to get World Edit in Minecraft

Make sure to select the desired version before installing WorldEdit. Installing WorldEdit as a plugin is where you should go if you’re installing it on a server without mods. Those who have modified servers should look at the section on installing WorldEdit as a mod on a server. Finally, skip ahead to Installing WorldEdit as a mod on a client if all you want to do is add it to your single-player game.

Installing WorldEdit as a plugin

It only takes one, two, and three simple steps to add WorldEdit as a plugin to your server. You can find it as an entry under the panels Bukkit list by following our How to Add a Plugin to your Server guide, which will cover how to do that.

In the case that you’re installing WorldEdit manually, via FTP and as outlined in the guide, you can download WorldEdit on its official download site.

Installing WorldEdit as a mod on a server

If, however, your server is one that is running Fabric or Forge mods, you can install WorldEdit’s mod version and it will function similarly to the plugin.

You can download WorldEdit’s . jar file on its official download page. After doing so, refer to our guide on “How to Add Mods to a Minecraft Server” for details on how to add it to your server.

WorldEdit is a server-side only mod, so it can be used without being installed on any player’s computer. Once it is installed in the server, that is it; it will function right away.

Installing WorldEdit as a mod on a client

It’s equally simple to add WorldEdit to a single-player game, but the procedures to follow will vary depending on whether you’re installing WorldEdit into an already-installed modpack or onto a brand-new Minecraft game without any mods.

You’ll first want to download WorldEdit’s .jar file from its official download page, then choose which option suits you from the two below. Installing WorldEdit from scratch

  • Install the Forge Mod loader on your computer. Our handy guide will show you how.
  • Open your Minecraft installation folder. If you%E2%80%99re on Windows, press the %E2%8A%9E Windows Logo Key R, then type in %APPDATA% minecraft and click OK. Press Command Space, enter /Library/Application Support/minecraft on a Mac, and then press Enter. Enter the command cd / into the terminal on Linux. minecraft.
  • If a folder called mods does not exist, create it.
  • Drag-and-drop WorldEdit’s .jar file you’ve downloaded into the mods folder.

The next time you start Minecraft, just launch the Forge profile, and WorldEdit will be there and functional.

Adding WorldEdit to a modpack

You must find the modpack’s installation folder and add WorldEdit’s files to the mods folder in order to add WorldEdit to a modpack that you already have installed. Find your launcher in the list below, then follow the instructions. Modern modpack launchers make this very simple. Twitch.

  • Locate your modpack in the Twitch app (now the Overwolf app), then right-click on its thumbnail.
  • Click Open Folder
  • In the folder that opens, head into the mods subfolder.
  • Drag-and-drop the downloaded . jar file into the mods subfolder. Don’t overwrite any files if it asks you.


  • Click on the Modpacks tab at the top of the Technic Launcher, then select your modpack.
  • Click Modpack Options on the top right.
  • Press Open button to the right of the directory listing
  • In the folder that opens, head into the mods subfolder.
  • Drag-and-drop the downloaded . jar file into the mods subfolder. Don’t overwrite any files if it asks you.


  • Open the ATLauncher, then select the Instances tab to the launcher’s right.
  • Scroll down to your modpack and click Open Folder.
  • In the folder that opens, head into the mods subfolder.
  • Drag-and-drop the downloaded . jar file into the mods subfolder. Don’t overwrite any files if it asks you.


  • Open the Voidswrath Launcher and locate your modpack.
  • Click Advanced.
  • Click Edit Mods.
  • Drag-and-drop the downloaded . jar file into the mods subfolder. Don’t overwrite any files if it asks you.


  • Go to the “My Modpacks” tab in the FTB launcher.
  • Click the three dots with your mouse while it is over your modpack.
  • Click Open Folder in the top right corner of the page.
  • In the folder that opens, head into the mods subfolder.
  • Drag-and-drop the downloaded . jar file into the mods subfolder. Don’t overwrite any files if it asks you.

The next time you launch your modpack, WorldEdit will be included and available for use!

How to use World Edit in Minecraft Java

Although WorldEdit is quite large, the main features any user of WorldEdit will want to bother with are Selections, Brushes, and Schematics, unless they’re really delving into its obscure functionality. Being a true user of WorldEdit requires understanding how each of them works and how to put them to use because they are all connected in some way and enhance one another’s functionality.

Of course, there’s far more to WorldEdit than just basic selections, brushes and schematics. If you wish to know more, look no further than WorldEdit’s official documentation.

In essence, a selection is a box in the world that holds all the blocks enclosed by its area. Establishing two points, or two corners on opposite ends of a box connected by a diagonal, allows for the creation of selections.

Establishing these two points is simple. The three main ways are:

  • Stand somewhere and use the //pos1 and //pos2 commands. This will establish these two points as your current coordinate. (Remember: pressing F3 will display your current coordinate.)
  • After equipping the “wand” item with the //wand command, look at the blocks and then use the left and right clicking commands.
  • Use the //hpos1 and //hpos2 commands to examine a block.

You can then modify the blocks inside a selected area using some basic selection manipulation commands, such as:

  • //set to apply that pattern to all of the blocks in the selection. Using the code //set cobblestone, for instance, will turn the entire selection into cobblestone.
  • The command //replace [mask] will swap out the block under [mask] for the block (or pattern; more information on those can be found in the official documentation) under Because [mask] is an optional argument, leaving it empty will substitute the block of your choice for all non-air blocks. For instance, //replace stone cobblestone will only substitute cobblestone for the stone blocks in your selection, whereas //replace cobblestone will substitute cobblestone for all non-air blocks.
  • With //faces and //walls, you can create outlines around your selection.
  • You can copy a selection with //copy and then paste it back into the world with //paste. The selection will by default be pasted in relation to where you were when you first copied it, but you can alter this. If you want to learn more, visit the documentation page for copying and pasting.

And many, many more. Check out WorldEdit’s Region Operators documentation for more commands and examples!

As their name implies, brushes are instruments that allow you to use blocks and shapes to paint the world. They’re ideal for almost anything, including building, terraforming, and sculpting, and they’re also just enjoyable to use.

To use a brush, you must hold an item in your inventory while issuing a command to “bind” it to a particular brush configuration, which transforms the item into that particular brush with that particular function. This is useful because it allows you to quickly and easily switch between a variety of brush types without having to type commands each time you want to.

You can find a list of all brush types in the official brush documentation, but some of the most commonly used ones are:

  • /brush sphere [-h], where [-h] is an optional argument to make the sphere hollow, is the design or building block you want the sphere to be made of, and is the radius of the sphere. For example, /brush sphere -h stone 15 .
  • /brush cylinder [-h] [radius] [height] spawns a block-built cylinder with the dimensions [radius] and [height]. Similar to the sphere brush, it can be made hollow using the optional [-h] parameter.
  • /brush smooth [radius] [iterations] [mask] smooths the targeted terrain. This does not apply to areas like caves, walls, or other similar structures, only vertical terrain

WorldEdit schematics are files containing a choice that are kept on either your computer or the server’s directory for later use.

The //schem save command can be used to convert a selection into a schematic after it has been copied. The //schem load command can then be used to load it back into your clipboard.

The following locations can be used to move, transfer, or send schematic files from one server, world, or computer to another:

  • As a plugin, WorldEdit will store schematics in the . /plugins/worldedit/schematics folder of your server.
  • As a mod, WorldEdit will store schematics in the . /config/worldedit/schematics folder, either in the directory of your server or in the Minecraft / modpack folder on your computer.

WorldEdit lags or crashes when spawning large schematics! If you find WorldEdit is lagging or crashing when trying to load in large schematics, you might find luck by adding the AsyncWorldEdit plugin on top of it. It will mitigate many of the performance-draining functions by spreading them out over time and multiple threads of the CPU, leading to far fewer crashes.

Once WorldEdit is installed and functioning as a plugin on your server, you’ll need to set up permissions for it, just like you would with any other plugin. Make yourself the server administrator or configure the permissions using a plugin for a permission manager. The official documentation for WorldEdit contains a list of its permissions. Review our LuckPerms guide if you’re unsure how to set them up on your server.

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Minecraft Building Tutorial: World Edit Basics!


How do I do WorldEdit in Minecraft?

Worldedit Commands1. 1 History Control. 1. 2 Region Selection. 1. 3 Region Operation. 1. 4 Clipboards and Schematics. 1. 5 Generation. 1. 6 Utilities. 1. 7 Chunk Tools. 1. 8 Superpickaxe Tools.

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