How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

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“” If you’re playing Minecraft PE, you can view your coordinates as long as you’ve enabled Cheats for your world. To find your coordinates, tap the Chat icon at the top of the screen. Type /tp ~ ~ ~, and then press the Enter key to reveal your coordinates in the bottom-half of the window.

Understanding the coordinates of Minecraft

Coordinates in Minecraft are absolute and expressed as XYZ coordinates. Each digit stands for a value that represents the player’s present position.

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

XYZ coordinates in Minecraft ( via Minecraft Fandom)

What each number represents:

The X value, which represents the longitudinal values, establishes the player’s position in relation to the East and West directions on the map. When the positive value increases, the player is moving eastward, and when the negative value increases, the player is moving westward.

Y value: One of the most helpful coordinates, the y value determines the player’s elevation and is very helpful when looking for specific ores, like diamonds.

Z value: This establishes the player’s position in relation to the map’s South and North directions, which correspond to the latitude values. When the positive value increases, the player is moving southward, and when the negative value increases, the player is moving northward.

Guide to enable Coordinates in Minecraft PE, explained step-by-step

1) Open the Minecraft mobile app and select Play.

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

Minecraft Menu ( via Minecraft)

2) Tap on “Create New.”

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

Tap on the Create New tab ( via Minecraft)

3) Under the Game tab, enable the Show Coordinates option.

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

Enable the Show Coordinates option ( via Minecraft)

4) Tap on Create on the panel to the left.

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

(via Minecraft) Select the Create tab from the left panel.

5) After the players enter the world, the coordinates are visible in the top left corner.

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

On the upper left side, the coordinates will be visible (via Minecraft).

Activating Coordinates in an existing world

Fortunately, it is also possible to activate coordinates in a world that has already been created by a player or is currently active.

1) Click the Pause button at the top of the display.

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

Tap on the pause button ( via Minecraft)

2) Then select Settings from the games pause menu.

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

Menu after pressing Pause ( via Minecraft)

3) Players can access World Options by scrolling down under Game Settings.

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

The Show Coordinate tab is currently off ( via Minecraft)

4) Tap on Show Coordinates to enable it.

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

Toggle the Show Coordinates button ( via Minecraft)

5) Exit the Settings menu and tap on Resume Game.

How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

Tap on the Resume Game tab ( via Minecraft)

Doing so will enable the coordinates in the current world.

Players can complete this process in Minecraft PE while building a new world or while playing the game itself. Now that they can always return home, players of Minecraft can explore the world at will.

Detailed instructions, walkthroughs, and advice

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How to see coordinates in minecraft pe

How to turn on your position coordinate (Minecraft PE)


How do you turn on coordinates in Minecraft PE?

The command “/gamerule showcoordinates true” will toggle the display of coordinates for players.

How do you find XYZ coordinates in Minecraft PE?

In Minecraft, press the function key F1 to see where you are. The upper-left corner of your Minecraft window will display the coordinates for your world position (X, Y, and Z). Explore Minecraft and see how these values change by trying it out.

How do you show coordinates in Minecraft?

The Java Edition’s debug screen, which appears when pressing F3 (or Fn F3 on Macs and some laptops, or Alt Fn F3 on newer Macs), displays the player’s current coordinates and rotation in the upper left corner of the screen. It can be disabled using the command /gamerule reducedDebugInfo true .

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