How to make a minecraft texture pack 1.8.9

What NOT to do

When making a resource pack or texture pack, there are a few things you should avoid doing, including but not limited to:

  • Anything that violates the Minecraft EULA.
  • Release files that enable users to use a release of Minecraft even if they haven’t paid Mojang for it
  • Release the decompiled source code of Minecraft in any way.

In any case, you should adhere to the Mojang Studios website’s Terms and Conditions.

Additionally, it is advised never to extract game files to your desktop because doing so may cause technical problems.

Getting started

A special mechanic in Minecraft lets users add text and media files to the game files, enabling customization of everything from block textures and models to credits and sound effects. This tutorial is intended to assist with setting up the file systems so that they can be used. There are technical guidelines for file formatting because the files are essentially code, and some things may change from version to version. Because of this, the information in this tutorial may not apply in all circumstances, but it does provide a framework for the adjustments required for various versions where the difference is substantial and specific.

The most recent version of Minecraft, which is currently at version 1, is targeted by this tutorial. 19. 3.

It takes some technical skill and can be challenging to create custom files for Minecraft, whether they take the form of resource/data packs or mods. For add-ons to function properly, a number of rules must be adhered to, most notably how the files are formatted. There are numerous tools available that can reduce these problems, some of which are listed here.

File archiver

To access the base assets of Minecraft to edit textures, models, or sounds, a file archiver is needed. 7-Zip or WinRAR are suggested. MacOS has a built-in file archiver called “Archive Utility” that can be used, but if an alternative is wanted, The Unarchiver also works.

JSON text files must be created in order to create a resource pack, but they can be challenging to use and format properly. Many file editors help organize files in a project, format these files, and ensure that proper syntax is used. Here are some suggestions:

  • Notepad++ – A very lightweight Text Editor. very easy to use.
  • Atom – Suggested for those new to Text Editors. Setting up a project folder and remaining organized is very simple.
  • Those with experience using text editors should use the more complex text editor, Visual Studio Code.
  • – an online JSON formatting

Audio editor

In order to add sound files, you must put it in the proper format (.ogg). While this can be done using one of numerous sites online, an audio editor program is suggested to allow customizing or trimming of audio files. Audacity is one of the most popular audio editors.

Image editor/3D modeling tool

It is advised to use a modeling program with a visual editing system to add textures or custom models. Like audio conversion websites, there are numerous online tools; however, Blockbench is frequently cited as a good option. The majority of editors are sufficient for changing textures, but it is advised to use one that supports transparency, like paint. net or https://pixlr. com/ so that you may add transparent pixels to textures.

Creating a resource pack

A pack’s pack folder, which is located in the “resourcepacks” directory, contains all of the resources and instructions. If your resource pack contains numerous files, you might want to use an IDE to help you keep track of them.

In versions 1. All file names in a resource pack should only contain lowercase letters for versions 11 and higher.

Creating the folder

We must first create the folder containing all of the resource pack files. Make a folder with the name Tutorial_Resource_Pack on your desktop or in another location that is simple to access. Eventually, this assumes the name that appears in the resource pack menu.

Creating a .MCMETA file

We need to create a pack inside of your resource pack folder. mcmeta file. This notifies Minecraft that the folder is a resource pack and includes helpful data like:

  • The recommended version for the resource pack.
  • The summary that appears in the selection menu next to the pack title
  • the resource pack’s preliminary information on any new custom languages added

Within the folder, we must first create a text file and give it the name pack. mcmeta. Make sure the file extension is . mcmeta and not . txt or the pack may not be detected. When renaming a file, you might receive a warning that changing the extension could render the file useless or change the program needed to open it. By right-clicking the file and choosing the “Open With” option, you can still open this file in a text editor. Note: You might need to use your file browser to choose a program.

Open pack. mcmeta in your preferred text editor or IDE, then type or copy-paste the following:

The resource pack’s release is specified by the value of “pack_format,” which varies for various versions of Minecraft. The following list what versions each value is associated with:

  • 1 for versions 1.6.1 – 1.8.9
  • 2 for versions 1.9 – 1.10.2
  • 3 for versions 1.11 – 1.12.2
  • 4 for versions 1.13 – 1.14.4
  • 5 for versions 1.15 – 1.16.1
  • 6 for versions 1.16.2 – 1.16.5
  • 7 for versions 1.17.x
  • 8 for versions 1.18.x
  • 9 for versions 1.19 – 1.19.2
  • 11 for version 22w42a – 22w44a
  • 12 for version 1.19.3

Note: Values could change or be added as more updates are made available.

The text following "description" is displayed under the pack title in the selection menu, and must be put inside quotes "". If you wish to use special characters, you can enter the Unicode code for the character in the format u####, where #### is the Unicode hex code for the character. Say you want to use the letter ß, which has code U+00DF. Inside the description you would type u00DF. Make sure that you are using the correct slash, or it may not work. A list of Unicode codes can be found here. Note: Only the characters 0000–FFFF (Basic Multilingual Plane) are supported.[citation needed]

Correct syntax

Pay close attention to ensure that you don’t omit the quotation marks, colon, braces, or square brackets. Missing one of these could prevent Minecraft from detecting your resource pack. Make sure that your pack. mcmeta file matches the one shown above.

Testing your pack

The resource pack folder must be placed in the Minecraft pack folder in order to be tested to see if it is formatted correctly at this point. You can either navigate to it from your file browser or by choosing “Options,” “Resource Packs,” and “Open Pack Folder”:

  • For Windows, right click on the start button %E2%86%92 run %E2%86%92 type in %appdata% %E2%86%92 minecraft → resourcepacks.
  • Visit Library Application Support Minecraft resourcepacks on MacOS.
  • For Linux, go to ~/.minecraft/resourcepacks (/home//.minecraft/resourcepacks)

You can drag and drop your customized pack folder into the folder once it is open.

If the files were formatted correctly, your resource pack should show up in the menu.

Make sure your pack is included if you can’t find it on the list. mcmeta file is correct and saved in the folder. Check for any missing braces, commas, colons, quotation marks, or square brackets [] as well as any other punctuation. Keep in mind that there must be a closing brace, quotation, or square bracket for each open brace, quotation, or square bracket.

Pack icon

In the absence of a specified icon, a cobblestone icon is displayed next to the pack. You can use your own pack icon by putting it in the resource pack folder with the name pack if you wish to do so. png. Any square resolution will work with the file, but a 128×128 pixel render is the best. The file must be a PNG.

Adding content

You can begin adding content to your resource pack now that it is set up. You add most files into a subfolder called assets. Simply add an assets folder as a new subfolder to your resource pack folder. This, pack. mcmeta, and pack. The only files that should be located directly in your parent resource pack folder are png files. Any additional resource files must be stored in the assets folder for Minecraft to read them.

Adding a namespace folder

Next, inside your assets folder are your namespace folders. These aid in separating the files in your resource pack so that it is clear where each file is located. If you intend to change or replace the vanilla resources, you should put those files in the minecraft namespace folder. The folder for your own namespace, which in this tutorial is called custom, should contain any custom additions. In the future, you should use a distinctive or significant namespace to prevent confusion among other resource packs when loading multiple packs as to which files belong where.

Accessing the vanilla resources

You might want to save a copy of the vanilla resources in an accessible location if you intend to edit multiple resources or to make access easier in case some elements depend on other files in the directory. In order to accomplish this, you must access the vanilla resources file by launching the versions folder within the minecraft directory. The list of numbered folders that you should see corresponds to the previous versions that you loaded or used. Open the folder for the resource pack version you want (for this tutorial, it would be 1). 19), then right-click the file and choose a file archiver from the “Open With” menu. This will allow you to extract the JAR file that is inside. For future use, you might want to save this somewhere convenient. For example, modifying block models requires texture files in addition to model files. If you do not have a program that can open . jar files simply change the extension from . jar to . zip.

Modifying an entity’s texture

This section explains how to modify a texture using the creeper texture as an illustration.

Finding the vanilla texture

For the texture you want to modify, you must first obtain the vanilla resource. This is situated in the folder for the extracted version that was made in the preceding section. Find creeper by going to assetsminecrafttexturesentitycreeper in the extracted folder. png. Keep a copy of this file saved somewhere accessible, or for the subsequent actions, keep the folder window open.

How to make a minecraft texture pack 1.8.9

To tell Minecraft to use the texture, you must then duplicate the folder structure of the vanilla pack within your resource pack. This can be found in our assets folder’s minecraft subfolder since we are altering a default texture. Do the following inside your resource pack’s minecraft folder:

  • Inside minecraft, create a folder called textures.
  • Inside textures, create a folder called entity.
  • Inside entity, create a folder called creeper.
  • Add the creeper texture from the vanilla resource pack to the creeper folder you just made.

Open the common creeper texture in your resource pack using the editor of your choice now that it has been added. It should look something like the shown.

It might be necessary to enlarge because texture files are so small.

The information above may surprise you if you’ve never seen a texture. Many textures have this appearance and appear to be “wrapped” around a model, similar to wrapping paper around a gift.

Edit the texture however you like now that it’s time to get creative. For simplicity, this example adds a headband. Compare it to the color-coded texture above and take note of where the changes are.

How to make a minecraft texture pack 1.8.9

Save the file as creeper once you are satisfied with your texture. png. It is crucial to save it under the same name as the default asset because otherwise, it won’t be able to recognize and load your texture.

If your custom texture creeper still doesn’t appear after loading Minecraft, make sure you’ve selected your resource pack. If it still doesn’t work, make sure the file is named correctly and is in the right folder.

Pack hierarchy

Some textures from your resource pack may not be visible if you have other resource packs loaded while playing. This is a result of the manner in which Minecraft loads resource packs. If a resource pack is loaded above yours, it may replace files that you’ve changed because all selected resource pack files are loaded in the order they are displayed in the selection menu. Using several texture-different themed resource packs can result in a number of problems.

Modeling blocks and itemsMain article:

You might occasionally want to alter one of the Minecraft models. You will need a file archiver to obtain the default model and texture and a 3D modeling program to edit the model in order to accomplish this. Considering that Blockbench can export data directly to the json format needed for models.

Replacing a block

Because the ladder in Minecraft by default isn’t 3D, you can swap it out for a different model. First, get all the ladders files into this resource pack:

  • Using a ZIP viewer of your choice, launch the Minecraft JAR file.
  • Navigate into the assets/minecraft/blockstates folder, then extract ladder.json to Tutorial_Resource_Pack/assets/minecraft/blockstates
  • Navigate into the assets/minecraft/models/block folder, then extract ladder.json to Tutorial_Resource_Pack/assets/minecraft/models/block
  • Navigate into the assets/minecraft/models/item folder, then extract ladder.json to Tutorial_Resource_Pack/assets/minecraft/models/item
  • Lastly, navigate into the assets/minecraft/textures/block folder, then extract ladder. png to Tutorial_Resource_Pack/assets/minecraft/textures/block.

Now you can either edit the ladder. You can edit it in your preferred modeling editor or with your preferred editor for png.

Be aware that if you’re creating a resource pack with “Just Simple Nonanimated Textures,” the json files are unnecessary. Otherwise, if you are implementing special features to alter the texture’s appearance depending on whether or not certain parameters are true, then the json files would be necessary. For instance, if you developed a resource pack that smooths out grass blocks, the You wouldn’t have dirt lines all over your already-coded world if you used json files.

Modeling the ladder – Blockbench

In modeling the ladder, we use Blockbench. Once you have opened the program, press Ctrl+O to open the model selection menu. After the open dialog has appeared, go to the location where you saved ladder.json and select .

The ladder should then be in front of you on the box’s south side.

  • To add a new block, select “Edit -> Add Cube” from the menu bar.
  • Resize the model to a full-sized cube. Then, under Textures on the left panel right click ladder. png, then click Apply to Untextured Faces.
  • There is a ladder in the upper left corner with a 11 highlighted area. Move this around to adjust the texture to your liking. Repeat until all sides of the block are as wanted.
  • Go to “File -> Save Model” and save in resourcepacks/Tutorial_Resource_Pack/assets/minecraft/models/block/ladder. json (Replace “block” with “blocks” for 1. 12 and below).

Currently, a new model for the ladder block in Blockbench has been developed.

Texturing the ladder –

Go to getpaint. net and get paint. net or go to ninite. com, choose paintNET, then launch it to install paint. net for free.

  • Open
  • Do Ctrl+O and go to .minecraft/textures/block/ladder.png and double click.
  • Edit the Ladder however you want.
  • When finished, click the X button in the window’s upper right corner. If you make any changes, a dialog box appears and asks you if you want to save your work. Press Save then okay twice. You dont need to change anything in the menus.

Finishing off

Launch Minecraft and test the ladder once you have finished creating the 3D model and saved it. Place a ladder against a wall and its replacement should be visible.

Changing existing sounds or music

You can replace the default sounds with custom ones, just like you can change the default textures or models. This illustration demonstrates how to alter the boss music for the ender dragon battle.

Finding a sound’s path

You must first determine the path of the sound you want to change, similar to how you would with custom textures and models.

  • Inside your . Go to the assets/indexes folder in the minecraft folder to find a list of numbered json files.
  • Find the . json file corresponding to your Minecraft version (e. g. 1. 16. json), and open it with a text editor or IDE.
  • You can find all of the sounds from Minecraft in this file. Press CTRL + F to search for your sound. For a list of filenames for music, you can check Music#List.
  • Your sound path should look something like this: minecraft/sounds/music/game/end/boss.ogg

Modifying the sound

  • Inside your resource pack folder, navigate to assets/minecraft.
  • Create a new folder named sounds.
  • You must now create new folders based on your sounds path inside your sounds folder. For example, if your path is minecraft/sounds/music/game/end/boss. ogg, you need to create the folders sounds/music/game/end.
  • You can add your new sound file to the last folder (in this case, the end) of the folder hierarchy. Make sure the file is named after the one it is replacing, in this case boss. ogg. Note that this file must be a . ogg file. To convert your sound file to a . ogg file, you can use the free website Online-Convert. com.

Testing your sound

If everything went as planned, you should now be able to change a sound in Minecraft. To test it:

  • Make sure you have enabled your resource pack. Pressing F3 T will reload all resource packs if you already had Minecraft open and your resource pack enabled.
  • Use the /playsound command to play your sound. In our example, type: /playsound minecraft:music. dragon master @s.

Adding new sounds or music

You can add your own sounds to the game in addition to changing the default ones. In this case, a new player hurt sound can be added without changing any of the existing player hurt sounds.

Finding the sound path

You must first determine the sound’s path in order to know where it should actually go before adding it. Instead of replacing sounds, you should immediately search in your resource pack folder.

  • Find and open your versions . json index file (e. g 1. 19. json) from . minecraft/assets/indexes.
  • Press CTRL + F to search for your sound path. The player hurt sounds are located at this address: minecraft/sounds/damage/.

Adding the folders and sound in your resource pack

  • Going to your resource pack folder, navigate to Tutorial_Resource_Pack/assets/minecraft.
  • Inside the minecraft folder, create a folder named sounds. Open the sounds folder if one already exists from replacing a default sound.
  • Make a folder in the sounds folder that corresponds to the location of the sound you want to add. In this instance, we’ll make a file called damage.
  • Add your sound here. The sound must be a . ogg file. You can use the no-cost website Online-Convert, just like in the preceding section. as mentioned at the top of the page, or use Audacity. Also note the already existing files seen in your . json file from above. In this instance, there are five additional hurt sounds in the minecraft/sounds/damage/ folder, including two for falling from various heights (fallbig). ogg and fallsmall. The other three represent the player’s actual injuries (hit1 and ogg). ogg, hit2. ogg, and hit3. We can’t use those file names again because we want to add a fourth sound to the existing three hurt sounds. For simplicity, name your sound hit4. ogg.

Changing the sound event

We must modify the corresponding sound event in sounds because we are adding a sound. json.

  • Go back to assets/minecraft in your resource pack folder.
  • Create a text file named sounds. json. Do make sure that the file extension is indeed . json and nothing else.
  • At your choice, paste the following template into sounds.json:
  • Only this example, which adds a new damage sound, uses the aforementioned code. If you are changing a different sound event, replace entity. player. hurt with the sound event listed in the vanilla sounds. json file.
  • The id that Minecraft uses for each sound folder can be found. By using /playsound in-game, you can determine this id. In this case, using /playsound minecraft:entity. player. It is confirmed by hurt master @s that the players’ hurt sound is in fact categorized as an entity. player. hurt.
  • Make sure the name fields are in lowercase characters only. Your file names must also be written in lowercase. If not, the resource pack might be unable to utilize your new sounds.
  • The text that will appear when the sound plays is determined by the subtitle field. It can either use a field defined in a lang file or be a string of text. [needs testing].
  • You can add additional fields to the sounds in addition to those already displayed. additional parameters like volume and pitch in a json file A detailed list of additional sounds. json fields can be found here.
  • Correct . json formatting is required! Any missing bracket, comma, etc. causes the resource pack to fail.

Testing your sound

If there is an error anywhere in your sounds. None of the sounds listed in the json file are audible in the game. If this occurs, you should review the file paths and the spelling.

If everything went as planned, Minecraft should now have a sound. To test it:

  • Make sure you have enabled your resource pack. Pressing F3 T will reload all resource packs if you already had Minecraft open and your resource pack enabled.
  • Use the /playsound command once again to play your sound. In our example, type: /playsound minecraft:entity. player. hurt master @s. Due to the fact that the hurt sounds in this example are chosen at random, it probably takes several tries.

Adding languagesMain article:

A resource pack can be used to add new languages to Minecraft. Assuming your country/region code is COUNTRY[2] and your language code is LANG[1], pack mcmeta looks like:

Set “bidirectional” to true if you want your language to be right-to-left.

Then, put LANG_COUNTRY. json in assets/minecraft/lang inside your resource pack. Your new language should be available when you launch the game, select your resource pack, and access the Language selection screen.

The pack. The root folder of your resource pack should contain mcmeta rather than assets/minecraft/lang. Also note that the above pack. mcmeta is the same file as the pack. mcmeta file that you have created a while ago. As of 1. 7-pre, you can choose multiple resource packs at once. Using your new language and resource pack before January 1 Since multiple resource packs could not be selected prior to version 7, you must manually combine them.

Animation propertiesMain article:

An example of an animation file is this:

The code below is really all you need to make a texture animated. By default, it makes each frame last only one tick:

Save the file with the texture’s name, if you want to use it as an animated texture mcmeta in the same folder as your texture.

Texture propertiesMain article:

An example of a texture property is this:

FontsMain article:

The last line of pixels with non-zero alpha-valued pixels determines the size of the characters in fonts. By adding a color with an alpha level of 1, which Minecraft regards as a component of the character, this enables the addition of additional padding around characters.

Testing your resource pack

  • Launch the game
  • Click on Options
  • Click on Resource Packs
  • Click the arrow next to “Tutorial_Resource_Pack” after finding it in the list on the left.
  • Click Done

If you decide to make changes to your resource pack, edit it, go to the resource packs menu in the options, remove it from the active list, exit the program, then return and reapply it. As an alternative, you can reload the resource pack by saving the texture to it and pressing F3 T without first reloading the default textures.

Packaging resource packs with worlds

Your resource pack can be packaged as a ZIP file called resources for use in single-player worlds. zip inside the world directory. This is then automatically used when playing the singleplayer world.

Server resource packs

You can designate it as your server’s resource pack if you own a server.

  • Make sure your pack format is a .zip-folder.
  • Upload the pack on a file hosting website, e.g. MCPacks.
  • Copy the download link of your pack. Important: Make sure you are using a direct download link if you are using your own server or another host. Additionally, you must ensure that the SSL certificate you use is compatible with Java version 8 u51, which was shipped. (MC-143768).
  • Open the with a text editor.
  • Search for the line resource-pack=.
  • Paste the download link after the equal sign.
  • To compel users to use the resource pack, you can optionally set the require-resource-pack property to true.
  • Save your changes to the server-properties and restart your server.
  • Enjoy!

An icon for servers may be present in the Multiplayer list.

  • Make a PNG file with a size of 64 by 64 pixels and support for transparency.
  • Save (or rename) it to server-icon.png.
  • Move it to the servers directory.
  • Restart the server.
  • Server icons should display next to the server name.

How To Make A Texture Pack In Minecraft (Easy Guide) | Make A Resource Pack


How do you create your own Minecraft texture pack?

Creating a Texture PackNavigate to the “Textures” folder. Open the folder for the texture category you want to modify. Open a texture in an image editing program. Edit your texture. Save over the image file. Edit any other textures that you want to change. Go back to the folder with the version number.

How do you use a texture pack in Minecraft 1.8 9?

Best resource packs for Minecraft 1. 8. 9A Tiny Pixel spruce village. ( Image via Minecraft)An MS Painted spruce village. ( Image via Minecraft)An oCd spruce village. ( Image via Minecraft)A Depixel spruce village. ( Image via Minecraft)A Wayukian spruce village. ( Image via Minecraft).

What is the best Minecraft 1.8 9 texture pack?

Make a Minecraft Texture Pack: Explained (2022)Extract Minecraft Texture Files. Edit Textures. Create MCMETA File. Save & Install Texture Pack.

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